Die Doku gibts ja unter
Unter Installation steht dort:
The default installation package will place
/etc/aprx.conf and all other necessary startup files and scripts into the system, however the defaults are such that the system will not start with them automatically. You will need to do:
Use the aprx-manual.pdf to guide you to edit the
/etc/aprx.conf file
Edit also file
Then the program will start and stop with commands:
# /etc/init.d/aprx start
# /etc/init.d/aprx stop
At Debian, doing the installation does often mean that system asks you essentially: "May I overwrite configuration files?" There you will always reply "N", unless you want to do all configuration work all over again.
Zu deutsch, gugg mal in /etc/aprx.conf wegen der Config
und unter /etc/default/aprx wegen dem Autostart
In der PDF steht noch unter 5.1.2 On Debian/Ubuntu/derivatives zum Thema Autostart:
After doing installation on this type of machine either from pre-compiled binary package, or from sources:
In order to use package contained startup scripts, you will need to edit the /etc/default/aprx to contain following:
After installation you may need to execute following two commands as root:
update-rc.d aprx defaults 84
/etc/init.d/aprx start
The second command here should be postponed until the configuration is completed.
Olaf dg8ygz